
Tips and tricks on how to engage the children in your life in a meaningful and memorable way. Meals, crafts, and unit study ideas designed to take some of the planning out of holidays and events so you can dive in and start having fun!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss style

We'll be reading and learing about Dr. Seuss in honor of his birthday, so we decided to kick off the week with a Dr. Seuss lunch and activity day. I took a little time yesterday and dipped pretzels in white chocolate, then rolled them into sprinkles the colors of our theme, made "green eggs" with chocolate and M&M's. I went the chocolate route because the idea of getting my children to actually consume green chicken eggs was highly unlikely!

I had a great time gathering candies in our red and aqua colors. They added just the right touch to our Seuss table.

Here's the table all set up. I literally did the happy dance in the aisle at Walmart when I found the little bottles of juice that matched! Goldfish crackers in a goldfish bowl...too cute to pass up!

Our food interpretation of the cat's hat.

Dessert fun! Red velvet cupcakes, cream cheese buttercream frosting, and a topper of blue cotton candy. YUM!

I even found enough red and aqua goodies to fill a few goodie bags! These would be great for a Seuss themed birthday party!

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